Vol. 1 Núm. 2 (2023): Innovative methods and dynamics of teaching-learning in a globalized context

					Ver Vol. 1 Núm. 2 (2023): Innovative methods and dynamics of teaching-learning in a globalized context


La presente convocatoria está pensada mayoritariamente para su publicación en idioma inglés.

Cultural identity has turned dynamic within a world order that still struggles to overcome ethnocentrism. The ubiquitous effects of globalization in all continents, including virtuality, Diaspora, and multiculturalism, have transformed local and mono cultural life, causing displacement among communities, and making identity no longer fixed nor localized like before. Global capitalism has been reconfiguring ways of knowing and living, even in remote communities. Educational ecosystems within different types of schools, universities, and academic units face day to day alienation from their cultural roots (Diaz-Polanco, 1982), which are extrapolated by media technology (Appadurai, 1998). This current reality requires the strengthening of identity through intercultural approaches to formal and public education (Fielder, 2002: 164).

Equally significant are the attempts to revitalize and protect cultural identity through language, as well as the innovative methods and dynamics of teaching - learning in this globalized context. Over the last decades, education research has helped institutions improve how to transmit these, socio-culturally developing the use of language among student populations, stimulating the psychological and cultural tools from their specific context and motivating new methodological and pedagogical approaches, strategies and materials to teach and learn more avidly across cultures (Verenikina, 2003). As Ableeva & Stranks (2013) state, second language acquisition is facilitated by materials that provide rich and meaningful exposure, affective and cognitive development, exposing students to exemplary use of language for real life.

In this respect, the arts demonstrate outstanding potential to create meaningful cognitive, cultural and environmental exposure for generating learning. It would be an educational error to reduce the role of the arts merely to its aesthetic dimension; instead, societies must incorporate artistic elements to improve our education systems, whether it be a foreign language or any other subject at school, where changes in methodology and didactics are considered. The topic of this number addresses how language acquisition, second language acquisition, and kinds of learning and methodologies of education can be facilitated through artistic, pedagogical and ludic proposals, not only to strengthen a sense of community that generates learning, but also mindful local and foreign education programs that safeguard and promote identities while nurturing global subjectivities, replicating interdependence, interculturality, environmental awareness, and other important values in academic environments; and work towards sustainable prosperity among humankind in the 21st century state of affairs (Brown, 2001). Therefore, the questions that may arise are.

Why should we teach foreign languages through local intercultural experiences and contexts that protect non ethnocentric subjectivities?

What sense is there in using art forms to better convey knowledge and skills to children?

How should we artistically handle the possibilities of designing educational programs that respond to digital demand and remote education?

How can art provide more student-centered environments to facilitate second language acquisition in mono cultural and monolingual populations?

This is a call to artists, scholars, professors and researchers to propose theoretical, performative and/or document-artistic presentations that address language and education through the arts within the socio environmental and socio-historical realities that have globalized our world.

Fernando Intriago Cañizares M. Sc.
Universidad de las Artes Ecuador - Centro de Escritura y Traducción Académica UArtes fernando.intriago@uartes.edu.ec 
Journal number coordinator

Publicado: 2023-04-02