(es) Influencia de la Perspectiva Docente en la Relación entre Educación y Sociedad
(port) Influência da Perspectiva Docente na Relação entre Educação e Sociedade
Patricio Fabián López-Villena
Unidad Educativa 17 de abril – Ministerio de Educación - Ecuador
López-Villena, P. F. (2024). Influencia de la Perspectiva Docente en la Relación entre Educación y Sociedad. YUYAY: Estrategias, Metodologías & Didácticas Educativas, 3(1), 54–64. https://doi.org/10.59343/yuyay.v3i1.58
Enviado: 16-01-2024 / Revisado: 09-03-2024 / Publicado: 30-04-2024
C.net Magister
This essay examines the role of teacher perspectives in shaping the relationship between education and society, particularly within the "17 de Abril" Educational Unit in Quero Canton. It argues that teachers' active involvement and innovative methodological strategies are essential for fostering meaningful learning that meets contemporary societal challenges. Highlighting the dynamic interaction between education and society, the essay posits that understanding and leveraging teachers' perceptions and practices can offer valuable insights for designing pedagogical strategies that engage students effectively and align with societal needs and challenges. Through a comprehensive literature review and analysis of teacher surveys and interviews, the essay seeks to contribute to the debate on education's role in society, emphasizing the critical role of teacher perspectives in crafting educational practices that respond effectively to social challenges.
Keywords: Teacher perspective, strategies, methodologies, educational innovation.
Este ensayo examina el impacto de la perspectiva docente en la relación entre educación y sociedad, con un enfoque específico en la Unidad Educativa "17 de Abril" en el Cantón Quero. Argumenta que la participación activa de los docentes y el uso de estrategias metodológicas innovadoras son esenciales para fomentar un aprendizaje significativo que responda a los desafíos sociales contemporáneos. Al destacar la interacción dinámica entre educación y sociedad, el texto sugiere que comprender y aprovechar las percepciones y prácticas de los docentes puede ofrecer perspectivas valiosas para diseñar estrategias pedagógicas que comprometan efectivamente a los estudiantes y se alineen con las necesidades y desafíos de la sociedad. A través de una revisión de literatura exhaustiva y el análisis de encuestas y entrevistas a docentes, el ensayo busca contribuir al debate sobre el papel de la educación en la sociedad, enfatizando el rol crítico de las perspectivas docentes en la elaboración de prácticas educativas que respondan eficazmente a los desafíos sociales.
Palabras clave: Perspectiva docente, estrategias, metodologías, innovación educativa.
Este ensaio examina o impacto da perspectiva docente na relação entre educação e sociedade, com foco específico na Unidade Educacional "17 de Abril" do Cantão Quero. Argumenta que a participação ativa dos professores e o uso de estratégias metodológicas inovadoras são essenciais para promover uma aprendizagem significativa que responda aos desafios sociais contemporâneos. Ao destacar a interação dinâmica entre a educação e a sociedade, o texto sugere que compreender e aproveitar as perceções e práticas dos professores pode oferecer informações valiosas para a conceção de estratégias pedagógicas que envolvam eficazmente os alunos e se alinhem com as necessidades e desafios da sociedade. Através de uma exaustiva revisão bibliográfica e da análise de inquéritos e entrevistas a professores, o ensaio procura contribuir para o debate sobre o papel da educação na sociedade, enfatizando o papel crítico das perspetivas docentes no desenvolvimento de práticas educativas que respondam eficazmente aos desafios sociais. .
Palavras-chave: Perspectiva do professor, estratégias, metodologias, inovação educativa.
This essay explores how teachers' perceptions of education, and its societal impact can transform educational and social processes at the "17 de Abril" Educational Unit. It argues that teachers' active roles and innovative methodological strategies are essential for fostering meaningful learning that meets contemporary societal challenges. As education and society's intersection emerges as a vital study field in the 21st century, this essay aims to examine the influence of teacher perspectives on this relationship, particularly within the Quero Canton's "17 de Abril" Educational Unit.
Through this analysis, the essay seeks to understand how teachers' educational perceptions and practices can act as catalysts for social and educational change, marking a turning point in how education responds to the demands of an evolving society. Highlighting the evolution of the teacher's role from knowledge transmitter to learning facilitator, it suggests a dynamic interaction between education and society where the teacher plays a central role, not only in knowledge transmission but also in shaping critical, reflective, and committed citizens.
The central thesis posits that the teacher's perspective at the "17 de Abril" Educational Unit significantly affects the relationship between education and society, influencing both educational outcomes and the social development of Quero Canton. A thorough literature review on the relationship between education and society, the role of the teacher in contemporary education, and the effects of their perceptions on the educational process will support this thesis.
Additionally, a detailed analysis of data collected through surveys and interviews with teachers at the "17 de Abril" Educational Unit will explore their perspectives on education and its societal impact. This essay is structured around four main axes: the study's justification, highlighting the importance of investigating the teacher's perspective; the literature review, providing a theoretical framework for the analysis; the research methodology, describing the adopted qualitative and quantitative approach; and the discussion of findings, interpreting the data in the context of existing literature.
Through this analysis, the essay aims to contribute to the debate on education's role in society, emphasizing the teacher's perspective as a key element in designing educational practices that effectively respond to social challenges. Ultimately, it seeks to offer recommendations for educational policies and teaching practices that promote more inclusive, equitable, and relevant education for the 21st century.
This study aims to examine the teachers' perspective at the "17 de Abril" educational unit in Quero Canton regarding education and society's impact on local development. It seeks to understand how, in current education, society is directly and indirectly involved across different educational levels, from early education to high school.
Additionally, this research will address the question of how learning processes are analogous across these levels, identifying the essential role of each educational level in this investigation. As teachers navigate daily through classrooms and society, the integration of knowledge and new learning methodologies will scaffold learning at each educational level, making it authentic and meaningful.
This indicates that the current educational system requires transformation, starting with our educational unit. According to Munita (2011), diverging opinions, discussions, negotiations, and the search and construction of consensus should be continuous classroom life processes, and the teacher's role in adopting and adapting various strategies to develop students' critical spirit is crucial for the evolution and development of individuals in our educational institution.
The aim is to shape the character, reason, and temperament of our students to engage and promote a social life with positive well-being factors, improvement, and personal progress, employing methodological strategies that motivate meaningful learning.
This descriptive research intends for students to perceive and enhance their educational reality at the "17 de Abril" educational institution, relying on new methodological strategies introduced by teachers and identifying the students' environment to optimize and enhance all educational processes. A primary goal is to establish strategies based on the student's environment, aligning with their needs to foster the development of logical and creative thinking, enhancing interpretative, argumentative, and propositional skills, and recognizing the path towards educational reforms in Ecuadorian legislation.
Ecuador's educational policies
Are characterized by their novelty and define an educational system with a distinct identity and personality. Rooted in its Constitution (Asamblea Constituyente, 2008), the guiding principle is inclusive, high-quality public education, closely integrated with its social characteristics. Data analysis suggests that Ecuador's educational policy has brought about significant changes in recent years (Ministerio de Educación, 2013), nearly achieving the EFA goals set for 2000-2015, in some cases even exceeding United Nations priorities (2000).
The 2015 UNESCO report indicates that, with all Education for All (EFA) objectives measured by the 2012 EFA Development Index (EDI), only Cuba (0.981) was ahead, with Chile (0.969), Uruguay (0.969), Mexico (0.964), the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (0.956), and Ecuador (0.951) close to achieving them (UNESCO, 2015b, pp. 11-12). Among various targets, the notable aspect was that in 2006, according to the SERCE regional tests (UNESCO, 2008), Ecuador had lower learning outcomes compared to the rest of Latin America. By 2013, the TERCE tests (UNESCO, 2015) showed it as one of the most improved countries in the region (Araújo & Bramwell, 2015, p. 16), highlighting the international and regional interest in this educational system (Gascón et al., 2018).
Educational Quality
The quality of education, under continuous scrutiny, entails the evaluation of content, objectives, plans, etc., aiming to advance better education for new generations. It's crucial that while students receive schooling, educators also prepare themselves, as modern societies demand improvement from all to enhance educational quality.
The teaching-learning relationship should involve two key figures: the educator and the learner, including the entire educational community. The underlying theme is the communication between these points, assuming a balance when the communication is bidirectional or horizontal. So far, the term "educational horizontality" is most used.
The way communication is conducted in schools ensures that students can truly own the knowledge, reflecting genuine understanding from the moment they realize what they know is indeed knowledge. Bruner argues that "there are two modes of cognitive functioning, two modes of thought, each providing characteristic ways of ordering experience, of constructing reality" (Bruner, 2004), suggesting languages are directly linked to humans' ways of knowing, as objective communication shapes thought structures.
Knowledge Society
The "Knowledge Society," according to the 2005 UNESCO World Report "Towards Knowledge Societies," indicates that new information and communication technologies have created conditions for the emergence of knowledge societies, serving as a medium for achieving desirable development, especially for developing countries (UN, 2005). UNESCO views access to education, information, and freedom of expression as knowledge society pillars. Moreover, the knowledge society contributes to economic growth and the development of all societal sectors from a human perspective.
The 2005 World Summit on the Information Society stated that the knowledge society should be seen not just as seeking new communication methods but as sharing knowledge, considering societies' plurality, heterogeneity, and cultural diversity (World Summit on the Information Society, Geneva 2003 - Tunis 2005). The importance of education and access to informational networks characterizes the knowledge society, forming the main resource for creating competent citizens in a globalized world. Knowledge has always been part of economic processes, only now becoming central to wealth production (Vivas, 2012).
Characteristics of the Knowledge Society
This society type contributes to knowledge as a fundamental aspect of human life, highlighting economic, labor, educational, cultural, and communicative activities requiring cognitive and mental competencies. Manuel Castells notes that innovation capacity is a primary feature of knowledge societies, transforming processes and generating changes. He identifies two knowledge types within companies: tacit, from workers' labor experience, and explicit, corresponding to formal management processes (Vivas, 2012).
The Role of Teachers in Society
To prepare and motivate young people to face an increasingly competitive society, at national, organizational, and individual levels, teachers must act as facilitators. They should prepare students for a world of creativity and flexibility while protecting them from competition threats in today's society. Teachers should encourage students to recognize the competitive reality of society, understanding the importance of achieving higher education levels. Simultaneously, teachers should support and facilitate their education through learning, preparing them successfully for higher education. Learning is a complex process involving many variables, with teachers assisting and supporting students' learning, including external and internal aspects underlying the learning process, understood, and assumed by teachers in their facilitator role (Pedraja Rejas 2012).
Literature Review
Education is fundamental for societal development and transformation, acting as a bridge between acquired knowledge and its everyday application. The review emphasizes that, since the Greek era with philosophers like Aristotle and Plato, knowledge has been considered a reason-based experience vital for approaching truth. Educational institutions face the challenge of adapting to new societal demands, transforming their formative visions to foster research and meet these new requirements. Such change is crucial for building societies through education, highlighting the need for a shift towards more critical and reflective educational approaches.
The role of teachers in addressing the social, economic, cultural, and technological challenges of the 21st century is central to forming citizens capable of tackling these challenges. Educators must adapt and respond to the needs of an ever-changing world, promoting learning that integrates technology, creativity, and critical thinking. Integrating ICTs in education is key to maintaining the educational system's relevance in the information society. The ability to innovate and adapt to new learning and teaching methods is essential for preparing students for the future.
The transformation of educational models is necessary to meet the demands of a globalized society. This change involves not only the inclusion of new technologies and teaching methods but also a reevaluation of the role of educational institutions in promoting knowledge and research. The "Knowledge Society" is characterized by the preeminence of education and access to information as primary resources, with knowledge at the core of wealth production, underscoring the importance of inclusive and quality education.
Teachers, as knowledge facilitators, bear the responsibility of preparing students for a competitive society, fostering learning that enables them to understand and face current societal challenges. Quality education in Ecuador aims to meet the demands of a constantly changing society, focusing on inclusion, equity, and innovation. Efforts to improve educational quality are crucial for achieving sustainable and equitable development.
To theoretically underpin the research, a comprehensive literature review was conducted through academic databases like Scielo, Redalyc, Dialnet, Google Scholar, and the Ibero-American Journal of Education. Key terms related to "education" and "society" were used to filter relevant articles. This search was conducted in both Spanish and English, without limiting the results by publication year, ensuring a broad and diverse understanding of the topic.
Selected articles had titles reflecting the search terms and were available in full text. Conference papers, digital newspapers, theses, Wikipedia, monografias.com, and book reviews were excluded to maintain a high academic standard. Additionally, the reference lists of identified articles were examined to deepen the investigation, focusing on the relationship between education and society from the teacher's perspective and how teachers perceive society's impact on the educational process of the learner.
Teacher Perceptions Analysis
Although the document does not provide specific details on the methodology for collecting and analyzing teachers' perceptions, typically this component would involve designing and distributing surveys to teachers. These surveys would aim to assess their opinions and perceptions regarding the influence of society on education and their role within this process. The data gathered through these surveys would be analyzed either qualitatively or quantitatively (depending on the research approach) to draw relevant conclusions about how teachers perceive their impact on students' education and society at large.
Society's Impact on School: It highlights the importance that society, including families and the community at large, places on education. There is an expectation that the school will optimally fulfill its educational task, with a marked desire for children to continue their studies and become professionals. Society values the school positively despite recognizing its shortcomings, such as the scarcity of resources and insufficient infrastructure.
Differential Perception of Teachers: Teachers perceive that society places little importance on the school, in contrast to the high valuation they themselves attribute to it. This disagreement between the perceptions of different actors suggests a disconnection regarding family involvement in the educational sphere, where teachers consider families to be minimally participative and show disinterest in their children's learning processes.
Hypothetical Considerations for Reflection: The discussion raises the need to analyze how educational management and the characteristics of the educational project can influence the community's perception of the school. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of delving into the study of family participation and its commitment to the educational process, given that the valuation of education varies according to social classes and contexts.
This proposal emphasizes the crucial need to value and strengthen the role of teachers as agents of change at the intersection of education and society. It highlights the importance of adopting pedagogical strategies that promote meaningful learning, placing the teacher's perspective and experience at the center of the educational process as a fundamental catalyst for both educational and social transformation.
The review reveals that although society recognizes the importance of education, it often underestimates the value of the school and the active and critical participation of teachers in educational development. On the other hand, a differential perception by teachers was identified, who feel that their importance and contribution to the educational process are not fully valued by society. This discrepancy underscores the need for closer dialogue and collaboration among all actors involved in education: teachers, students, families, and the community at large.
To address these challenges, an integrative approach is proposed that not only recognizes but also enhances the role of teachers as essential mediators between knowledge and students. This approach requires innovative pedagogical strategies that foster curiosity, critical thinking, and the ability of students to apply their learning in real and varied contexts, thus preparing them to effectively contribute to society.
Finally, it is necessary to underline the importance of considering and valuing teachers' perspectives in the creation of educational policies and pedagogical practices that respond to the current needs of society. The urgency of adopting a collaborative and reflective approach in education is highlighted, one that truly recognizes and utilizes the potential of teachers to influence and transform society through education.
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